CLASS LOCATION: Catawba Valley Rifle and Pistol Club. 4457 Rifle Range Road, Conover, North Carolina 28613, United States
If desired, we can provide a Gun and Ammo Package: ($30. 9mm semiautomatic and all the ammo needed for class). PLEASE USE ABOVE PAY BUTTON. GUN AND AMMO PACKAGE SHOULD BE RESERVED AT LEAST 5 DAYS AHEAD OF CLASS TIME. Subject to availability.
1. Single action revolvers, derringers, and Rifle-type pistols (AR and AK pistols) are not permitted for the range qualification. Guns must have a minimum capacity of 5 rounds.
2. Revolvers must be fired double-action (without the hammer cocked) for every shot.
3. Traditional Double action/Single Action semi-autos (exposed hammer) with a de-cocking lever must be de-cocked between strings of fire. First shot of each string must be fired double-action. Subsequent shots of that string are fired single action.
4. If your gun has a safety, it must be engaged at the completion of each string of fire (a few exceptions for double action or striker-fired guns).
5. Aiming must be performed with open sights without optical assistants – No scopes, lasers, red-dot etc. For laser equipped pistols the laser may be turned off or we can tape over it for the session.
6. Please bring only well-functioning, reasonable quality firearms and ammunition to class. Please email if you have any questions about your pistol
7. Please bring only factory ammunition. No handloads. Contact us w questions.
8. .22 caliber firearms are allowed, but are not recommended. We allow these as they can sometimes be the only viable choice for some shooters, but we discourage them due to a combination of the inherent unreliability of the cartridge, especially in semi-automatic pistols, as well as the very low power compared with self-defense caliber handguns (.38 special, .380, 9mm, 40, 45, .357 magnum, etc.)
IF you choose to bring a .22 semiautomatic to class, please use high-velocity ammunition (CCI Mini-Mags are usually very good) and test your gun with it before you come to class. Repeated malfunctions can in rare circumstances compromise your ability to complete the course of fire with the class and to receive your certificate. You may need to return at a later date at potentially more expense.
9. Each student should have a handgun to use. Sharing is usually not possible.
Questions? Email us with ANY questions at
4457 Rifle Range Road, Conover, North Carolina 28613, United States